I just have to give a big shout-out to the full moon this month! It does seem Fall moons are quite glorious and this October moon has not disappointed me. Last night the moonlight was pouring through my big arch window in my living room, and lighting up the whole eastern side of my backyard. And this morning when I climbed out of bed at 5 am to go to the Y, there it was shining through my front door, high up in the western sky. Isn’t that simply magical? And it’s amazing that no matter where you live or in what time zone, sooner or later we will all be gazing at the same moon. Perhaps it’s a great way to send blessings out to our friends and families, through that same moon. My friend Alan has taught me that.
I read on google that some years we actually have thirteen full moons rather than the usual twelve, one for each calendar month. That is because the solar year is longer than the lunar cycles, so sometimes we have a second full moon in one month. I did not know this! And some people call this second full moon a Blue Moon. Must be where that phrase, “once in a Blue Moon” comes from. Here I pride myself on tracking full moons and I may have missed one in the past! LOL!
There is something so comforting to me about the full moon. It’s so big and bright and always shows up. If I have something in my life I feel a little uncertain about, all I have to do is look up at the night sky and admire the moon, especially if it is full. This morning as I drove to the Y it was way up in the western sky. When I arrived back home around 7:30 am it was much lower but still bright. The tall grasses in the fields were sparkling from a light frost, a soft mist rising off of them. Wonder if the Angels were playing ball? :O)
I will be attending a soccer ball game this evening because my marvelous nephew Steven and his DeSales High School team are playing in the district championships. I attended this past Tuesday night’s game also. The full moon was high in the dark sky, straight in front of me the whole game. I am looking forward to hanging out with the moon again tonight. A double treat for me, soccer and a date with the full moon!
Simply magical.
c Love, Joan
Thanks for this beautiful message and pic, Joan. I celebrate the beauty of the full moon right along with you!
Indeed, it made my evening walk around the lake last night even more beautiful than usual.
I didn’t know that it would be a full moon, and was not thinking about the moon as I was enjoying the beautiful sunset so much.
But when I rounded the corner of the lake, suddenly there was the full moon shining low on the horizon across the lake. It was so beautiful and unexpected that it took my breath away.
So glad you’re enjoying it in such special ways as well!
Hi beautiful Lady! I know you love the full moon, too. I can see you by your lake and gazing at the moon. Blessings to you from me through that same moon! I will send them to you this evening as I sit and watch the game!
( I just added this suggestion of sending blessings. I can do that since I am the author.:O) )
This moon is the Super Moon, due to it being the closest to the Earth.
Thank you sweet brother! You know I love a full moon!
Enjoying the blog . Keeps me from going down the rabbit hole and refocusing on the positive
Thank you beautiful Lady! Your reply helps me!
I remember my sweet Mother saying that when my brother was in Vietnam, it brought her comfort to know they both saw the same moon! I’ve never forgotten that… loved ones near and far see the same beautiful moon! Love you, beautiful lady!
I remember your sweet mother! That beautiful Lady was very wise too!:O)
I am learning to fully embrace the brilliance of our beautiful planet. I’ve also learned when I take time to intentionally connect with the planet, I find that I’m much more creative in a multitude of ways. Yesterday morning ,the moon was bright, not full of course but Jupiter seemed so much brighter than normal. The only two things I could see in the sky were the moon and Jupiter. I look forward to having all the knowledge about the moons and our beautiful planet too. I’m looking forward to more of what you have to say Joan. I love reading your words of wisdom. I mean, what better way is there to learn than from my kindred spirit? I can’t think of much..😉❤️
Until next time, blessings! Oh by the way, I felt your thoughts and love during that full moon.
Awww! Beautiful Girl! You are my Sister!! Hugs to you!