My fourteen year young grandson, Bryar, received an award at his eighth grade graduation this past Wednesday night. He attended a Catholic elementary school and he will be moving on to a Catholic High School. The award is also a scholarship, a $5000.00 one time payment to the school of his choice. Isn’t that wonderful as we all know private schools require annual tuitions.

But what really touched my heart is the name of the award, the reason for the award… drum roll please! “Kindness Award”! Funded by an organization called Shirley’s Way, with a tag line that reads, “Let’s all change the WORLD together.” Bryar apparently took kindness and put it into action with his teachers and classmates this past year, perhaps for several years. I am so very proud of him.

I remember baby sitting him when he was around 18 months young. I built us a tent with a blanket and just for fun tied neckties that belonged to my ex-husband around both of our foreheads. We played with blocks and trucks. Oh, how he laughed! Ever so gentle he would tug on my necktie to pull my face close to his and softly touch my eyelids, nose, and teeth with his tiny fingers. He made such an effort to be so tender with his touch, no finger pokes from that little guy. I knew then he was a such a kindhearted little man, and I have wondered ever since what he will do with his life.

I attended Al-Anon, a 12 step program for families of alcoholics, for 26 years. When I first arrived in those rooms, filled with people who were dealing with challenges just like me, I was very angry. I had the mind set of it’s “them” and “us”. Fortunately my arrogance and anger turned to listening and learning. Boy, did I have a lot to learn! Al-Anon has several daily reading books to help one grow and think and learn to put the focus on oneself. I had one or two favorites that I read daily, and eventually my mind set changed to, ” We are all in this together”.

One of the books contained a sentence of such Truth that I have never forgotten it: “Kindness is the highest form of wisdom.” I have no idea what Bryar’s IQ level is, but in my opinion he is a very wise young man.

c   Love, Joan