The picture above is from my backyard, out in the northeast part of the corner of my property where my old clothesline is located. And yes, I still do hang sheets out to dry because they smell so fresh and clean. Just a few mornings ago I was walking out back because the rain had finally stopped. Reddogg and Pan were both walking with me. Pan, being an outdoor cat has no qualms related to getting his feet wet. The ground was soft and soggy pretty much everywhere. Then I noticed these little weed-like grasses, some standing up straight and tall, others slightly bent over, yet each one was holding water drops to full capacity on their tiny stems. Now that is abundance! Those tiny petals are not only half full, but overflowing. Though the sun was not shining on them they really were quite stunning; fairy-like pearls in their appearance.
So I got to thinking about how much abundance do I allow in my own life. And isn’t the way I think part of that acknowledging and accepting the goodness all around me. The other day when I was feeling rather down and asked God for a happy surprise I was not disappointed. I saw the most beautiful cobweb on a tree next to my driveway. It was about six inches wide and eight inches tall. Every strand connected to another strand of soft, silver webbing. Truly a work of art.
Yesterday afternoon I was out in my front yard and I heard the call of a hawk. I love hawks and feel I have a personal connection to hawks. So I stood there and waited and here comes a hawk flying right down the road from me and Our Treehouse. Then here comes another, and then another… all totaled to eight to ten red tailed hawks! They were flying, spiraling up and up, their bodies easily seen against the blue sky. I had spotted a kettle of hawks! I have heard this term for a group of hawks and I have seen pictures. But I have never seen a kettle of hawks flying around in my own little universe. I was thrilled! Another happy surprise from Dear Spirit and I hadn’t even asked this time. I am learning that sometimes the ordinary really is extraordinary, it’s all in how I perceive things.
One of my favorite authors, Dr Wayne Dyer, has a famous quote, “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” Though only a few words, this quote is a very broad statement and fits into many aspects of our lives. Several years ago I hadn’t really changed the way I looked at things. A spiderweb was simply a spiderweb. What could you possibly mean when you say a work of art? And a group of hawks flying around was just a bunch of birds up in the sky, no big deal. But I am much wiser now. Abundance flows to me everyday in many shapes and forms. Most of time I feel like the little weed-like grass, simply covered up with so much goodness I may tip over!
Good and more Good as my dear friend Rev. Carolyn says. I watch and I listen with my arms wide open.
c Love, Joan
What a beautiful sight and message, Joan! I love the way you look at the world! 🙂
You always have such a positive way at looking at our world Joan. I always( when possible) hang our bed linens outside also. They smell so much fresher!🛌
Robert! So good to see you here on my blog! Fresh pillow cases! yes!
Thank you beautiful Girl! I am a work in progress!
I love the advice from Wayne Dyer, and you my beautiful friend!! Thank you for reminding me to look at things differently. There is so much good in this world, why do we dwell on the bad?
Unsure if you remember my younger brother, Tom? He now has metastatic bladder cancer – please keep us all in your prayers – as I keep you in mine! ❤️
Hi beautiful Lady! Yes, Good and more Good! I am honored to pray for Tom and all of you. Thank you.
I’ve read that hawks have clear vision and deep understanding. They have a keen sense of where it is going! They represent intelligence, adaptability, courage, fierceness, and loyalty. Above ALL they signify the importance of seeing what is really there and taking appropriate action. It seems Joan that you are wise beyond your human strength and have been told that you are blessed with hawk-like capabilities. Wow! To hear them and see them is truly a blessing from our spiritual guides. They want you to hear a message loud and clear. The number ‘8’ symbolizes abundance, success , and balance with an energetic vibration of personal power, hidden power, and determination. Biblically the number 8 in Matthew 28:1-3 talks about at the end of the Sabbath, Jesus
tomb was found empty. The word Sabbath means seven. So the end of the Sabbath would be eight and eight means ‘new beginning’. The new beginning is the new order after Jesus died on the cross.
In Buddhism seeing hawks tells us that we do have connections with other worlds. Seeing hawks in Christianity means ‘wisdom’. In Hinduism seeing hawks means ‘rejuvenation’. I can only imagine how seeing a kettle of hawks must have made you feel.
“The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future by merely changing his attitude.” Oprah ‘wise’ Winfrey… (my new name for her, lol) Isn’t this quote also true? How we see what is directly in front of us and turn those experiences into opportunities of love and beauty is within us all. I’m grateful that you don’t have the mindset of “look at all those hawks… period” but more of WOW! “Look at what our Creator has given me today to see and hear. Everything I want ALWAYS wants me more.”
Joan you are a magnet for the perfect love that your creator wants you to have in your life. May you continue to be blessed beyond measure! I want to personally thank your creator and spirit guides for communicating to you in miraculous ways. You deserve the best. I love you Joan. Thanks for sharing your stories. They touch my heart in more ways that you could ever imagine. Blessings dear friend.
Oh Dear Ketlin, beautiful Girl! You write with such prose and authentic feelings. I love you! Yes, Hawk has been a guide for me for several years, the messenger. I agree with all your beautiful, heart felt words!