Slow it Down

Slow it Down

She was a tiny lady, no more than five foot tall with beautiful silver hair and a smile that she flashed often…with her own real teeth mind you! I would have guessed her in her late eighties and she was delightful to talk with on any subject. She had no memory...
“Happy Mother’s Day!”

“Happy Mother’s Day!”

It is a gorgeous day here in Louisville this Mother’s Day morning. I took a prayer walk and filled my senses; the cool air on my skin, the sweet smell of the crimson clover hay, especially pungent as the farmers cut the field down yesterday, hearing the birds...
Short and Sweet, with a Smile

Short and Sweet, with a Smile

The grass is growing everyday here in Louisville and surrounding areas. We have had so much rain! So I took advantage of the longer grass and created myself a piece of yard art on a green, grassy canvas. Ole Betsy, my riding lawn mower, did a great job, as you can...


I am so very lucky to live in Kentucky in the spring time. So much beauty with the grass, trees, and flowers. The flowers are springing up out of the earth; wildflowers, daffodils, tulips, irises, peonies, poppies, wood poppies, anemones, azaleas, and roses (the queen...
Stepping Through That Open Door

Stepping Through That Open Door

The lock on my front door had been jammed for a month. I was not able to open it from the inside nor the outside. Needless to say, my garage doors received a lot of activity; the use of my car, taking out the trash, going on prayer walks, Reddogg having his own needs,...